Professional Case Management, Inc. has been doing business since December 1999. Professional Case Management is a small, woman owned business. Donna Smith, R.N., owner and founder, provides exceptional, individualized service to all clients.

Case Managers provide direct contact with the injured worker and medical providers.  We proactively discuss plan of care, follow up with injured worker to ensure they are receiving the needed care and expedite all services to reduce costs.  Promptly report/communicate all activities to appropriate parties. 

We will coordinate and schedule an independent medical exam (IME) between medical provider, patient, insurance carrier and employer.  Our Case Manager will report all results to the appropriate parties.


When full case management is not necessary task assignments can be utilized to obtain specific information.

Our Contact Information is: 


US Mail Address:

P.O. Box 240789

Montgomery, AL  36124


office (334) 567-6002           fax      (334) 514-6731